data("mtcars") View(mtcars) table(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$am) ##### 0,1로 필업된 데이터를 원래 의미로 바꾸는 방법 하나. ##### mtcars$tm = ifelse(mtcars$am==0,"automatic","manual") result = table(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$tm) ##### 0,1로 필업된 데이터를 원래 의미로 바꾸는 방법 둘. ##### mtcars$sm = factor(mtcars$am, labels=c("automatic", "manual")) table(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$sm) ###### 행과 열의 끝에 총합을 추가하는 방법 ####### addmargins(result) ##### 카이제곱 검정과 피셔의 정확한 검정 ######## chisq.test(result) fisher.test(result) ##### Cochran Armitage Trend Test ############### require(moonBook) data(acs) View(acs) table(acs$HBP, acs$smoking) acs$smoking = factor(acs$smoking, levels=c("Never", "Ex-smoker","Smoker")) result = table(acs$HBP, acs$smoking) prop.trend.test(x,n) #x는 number of events, n은 number of trials result[2,] colSums(result) prop.trend.test(result[2,],colSums(result)) ######### 모자이크 플롯을 그리는 방법 ############### mosaicplot(result) mosaicplot(result, color=c("tan1","firebrick2")) t(result) mosaicplot(t(result), color=c("tan1","firebrick2"), ylab="Hypertension", xlab="Smoking") ######### R스튜디오에 있는 색상 열람표 ########## colors() demo("colors") result = table(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$sm) barplot(result) barplot(result, ylim=c(0,20), legend=rownames(result)) mylegend = paste(rownames(result),"cyl") mylegend barplot(result, ylim=c(0,20), legend=mylegend) barplot(result, ylim=c(0,20), legend=mylegend, beside=TRUE) barplot(result, ylim=c(0,20), legend=mylegend, beside=TRUE, horiz=TRUE) mycol = c("tan1", "coral2", "firebrick2") barplot(result, ylim=c(0,20), legend=mylegend, beside=TRUE, horiz=TRUE,col=mycol) ####################################################### ##################### 상관분석 ######################## ################# Corelation test ##################### ####################################################### install.packages("UsingR") library(UsingR) data("galton") str(galton) View(galton) plot(child~parent, data =galton) cor.test(galton$child, galton$parent) out = lm(child~parent, data= galton) summary(out) # y = 23.94153 + 0.64629 x X abline(out, col ="red") plot(jitter(child,5)~jitter(parent,5), galton) sunflowerplot(galton) install.packages("SwissAir") library(SwissAir) data("AirQual") View(AirQual) str(AirQual) Ox <- AirQual [ ,c("ad.O3","lu.O3","sz.O3")] + AirQual[, c("ad.NOx","lu.NOx","sz.NOx")]- AirQual[, c("ad.NO", "lu.NO","sz.NO")] names(Ox) <- c("ad","lu","sz") plot(lu~sz, data= Ox) install.packages("hexbin") library(hexbin) bin = hexbin(Ox$lu, Ox$sz, xbins = 50) plot(bin) smoothScatter(Ox$lu, Ox$sz) install.packages("IDPmisc") library(IDPmisc) iplot(Ox$lu, Ox$sz) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ################################################################# ###### 단순선형회귀 ######## women plot(weight~height, data=women) plot(weight~height, data=women) fit <- lm(weight~height, data=women) fit <- lm(weight~height, data=women) abline(fit, col="blue") abline(fit, col="blue") summary(fit) #-87.51667은 y절편이라고함. cor.test(women$height, women$weight) # 상관계수 구하는 함수 cor.test(women$weight, women$height) 0.9954948^2 plot(fit) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(fit) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ### 다항회귀(polynomial regression) fit2 <- lm(weight~ height + I(height^2) , data=women) fit2 <- lm(weight~height+ I(height^2), data = women) summary(fit2) lines(women$height, fitted(fit2), col="red") plot(fit2) fit3 <- lm(weight~height + I(height^2) + I(height^3), data = women) plot(fit3) fit4 <- lm(weight~ height + I(height^2), data=women[-c(13,15),]) plot(fit4) install.packages("gvlma") library(gvlma) gvmodel <- gvlma(fit4) summary(gvmodel) ######## 다중회귀분석 ########## state.x77 View(state.x77) states <-[ , c("Murder","Population","Illiteracy","Income","Frost")]) states View(states) fit = lm(Murder~Population +Illiteracy + Income + Frost , data=states) shapiro.test(states$Population) fit = lm(Murder~Population + Illiteracy, data=states) plot(fit) summary(fit) #install.packages("car", dependencies = TRUE) library(car) vif(fit) sqrt(vif(fit)) ###### 이상관측치 ####### influencePlot(fit, id.method = "identify") states["Nevada", ] fitted(fit)["Nevada"] residuals(fit)["Nevada"] ##### 회귀모형의 교정 ###### states summary(powerTransform(states$Murder)) boxTidwell(Murder~ Population + Illiteracy , data= states) ncvTest(fit) spreadLevelPlot(fit) ##### 예측 변수 선택 ##### fit1 <- lm(Murder~ ., data=states) summary(fit1) fit2 <- lm(Murder ~ Population + Illiteracy , data=states) summary(fit2) #AIC (Akaike's An information Criterion) AIC(fit1, fit2) ###### stepwise regression (Backward stepwise regression, Forward stepwise regression) #Backward stepwise regression full.model = lm(Murder~. , data = states) reduced.model = step(full.model, direction = "backward") summary(reduced.model) #Forward stepwise regression min.model = lm(Murder~1, data = states) fwd.model <- step(min.model, direction="forward", scope = (Murder~Population+ Illiteracy + Income + Frost), trace=0) summary(fwd.model) ## all subset regression library(leaps) leaps <- regsubsets(Murder~ Population + Illiteracy + Income + Frost, data= states, nbest=4) plot(leaps, scale="adjr2") ########## Logistic Regression ######## require(survival) str(colon) colon1 <- na.omit(colon) View(colon) View(colon1) result <- glm(status ~ rx+sex+age+obstruct+perfor + adhere + nodes + differ + extent + surg, family = binomial, data=colon1) summary(result) reduced.model = step(result) summary(reduced.model) require(moonBook) extractOR(reduced.model) fit = glm(formula = status ~ rx + obstruct + adhere + nodes + extent + surg, family = binomial, data = colon1) fit.od = glm(formula = status ~ rx + obstruct + adhere + nodes + extent + surg, family = quasibinomial, data = colon1) pchisq(summary(fit.od)$dispersion*fit$df.residual, fit$df.residual, lower = F) #0.2803691이 값이 0.05보다 크다면 과산포는 없다고 확신할 수 있습니다. ?ORplot() plot() ORplot(fit, main = "Plot for Odds Ratios") ORplot(fit, type=2, show.OR=FALSE, show.CI=TRUE, pch=15, lwd=2, col=c("darkblue", "red"), main="Plot of OR" ) ORplot(fit, type=3, show.OR=FALSE, show.CI=TRUE, pch=15, lwd=2, col=c("darkblue", "red"), main="Plot of OR") ##### Poisson Regression ####### install.packages("robust") library(robust) data(breslow.dat, package = "robust") summary(breslow.dat) install.packages("qcc") library(qcc) qcc.overdispersion.test(breslow.dat$sumY, type="poisson") fit = glm(sumY ~ Base + Age + Trt, family = quasipoisson, data= breslow.dat) summary(fit) install.packages("moonBook") library(moonBook) extractOR(fit) extractOR(fit, digits = 3) ORplot(fit, type = 2, show.CI=TRUE, main="Plot for Quasipoisson") #### Survival Analysis ##### require(survival) data("colon") View(colon) colon <- na.omit(colon) rm(colon1) str(colon) colon$TS <- Surv(colon$time,colon$status==1) fit = survfit(TS ~ rx, data = colon) plot(fit) plot(fit,col=1:3, lty=1:3) legend("topright", legend=levels(colon$rx), col=1:3, lty = 1:3) ###### Cumulative hazard Start ##### plot(fit, col=1:3, lty=1:3, fun ="cumhaz", mark.time=FALSE, ylab="Cumulative hazard") legend("topleft", legend = levels(colon$rx), col=1:3, lty =1:3) ###### Cumulative hazard End ####### #### Log-rank test #### survdiff(Surv(time, status ==1)~rx, data=colon) #### Cox Regression ##### out = coxph(Surv(time, status ==1)~rx, data=colon) summary(out) ###### Hazard ratios of all individual variables ##### colon$TS <- Surv(colon$time,colon$status==1) out = coxph(colon$TS~rx, data=colon ) install.packages("moonBook") require(moonBook) attach(colon) out = mycph(TS~.-id-study-time-status-etype, data=colon) out2 =coxph(TS~. -id-study-time-status-etype, data=colon) final =step(out2, direction = "backward") HRplot(out, type =2, show.CI = TRUE)